Early Childhood Education

Providing a high-quality education for children before they turn five yields significant benefits over the short-, medium- and long-term. Those benefits impact not only the children and their families, but also their communities, their schools and our nation as a whole.

Children in early childhood education programs are:

  • less likely to repeat a grade
  • less likely to be identified as having special needs
  • more prepared academically for later grades
  • more likely to graduate from high school
  • higher earners in the workforce.

Some of a child’s most important cognitive development happens during their preschool years. When parents and caregivers have access to the resources they need to take an active role in the early childhood education process, they can help ensure that their children have what they need to develop their full potential. Parent and caregiver engagement extends learning outside the classroom, creates a more positive experience for children and helps children perform better when they are in school.

  • we care -- services for children - logo


A Note from our Board Chair

With great sadness, we regret to inform you that the Board of Directors has decided to wind down and dissolve OnePercent for Education; and the organization has initiated the dissolution process. One of our primary goals was to galvanize members of the business community who had not participated or had not fully participated in social engagement. Another goal was to engage individuals and families in our work for educational equity.

We continue to believe that there are people who care deeply about the issue and that there are significant financial resources that can be generated to support this movement. Despite our efforts, OnePercent for Education was unsuccessful in generating enough funding to achieve financial sustainability at this difficult time.

Every decision made was through the lens of how we can best bring support for the kids who need it the most. This is the work that our Nonprofit Partners deliver every day and will continue to do. Our Board of Directors will individually continue to promote their efforts and encourage support of their work. As we wind down, we are distributing as much of our remaining assets as possible to our Nonprofit Partners. While each Nonprofit Partner has received modest funding, this is far less than we had hoped, given the importance of their activities.

We urge each of you to support our Nonprofit Partners in the fulfillment of their missions as it so deeply impacts the communities they serve.

Finally, we thank you for your support of OnePercent for Education.